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That’s a Wrap (03/02)

Love Your Neighbor Enough to Speak Truth

Rosaria Butterfield knows exactly what she’s talking about. Having been converted out of a life of disbelief and lesbianism to a life found in Christ, she writes from a place of deep empathy and experience when she rebuts Jen Hatmaker’s position that you can have your LGBT relationship and Christ too. I agree that the church has a long way to go in order to love the LGBT community well, but what Butterfield says is also true:

The cross symbolizes what it means to die to self. We die so that we can be born again in and through Jesus, by repenting of our sin (even the unchosen ones) and putting our faith in Jesus, the author and finisher of our salvation. …And this war doesn’t end until Glory.

10 Things You Should Know about Suffering

Dave Furman has written another book (released 31st Jan, 2018) to help us better see the way God designs and uses trials for our good, encouraging us to embrace the God who is always near, even in our suffering. While you’re waiting for your copy to arrive, here’s 10 things to be informed and encouraged by.

Two Strategies to Win the War on Lust

Many Christians try to solve temptation only by resistance, but that just won’t work in the long run.

 The Dangers of Echo Chamber Leadership

Perhaps like me, you’ve been in rooms where opposing the leadership’s decision isn’t wise if you like your job. In this short post Thom Rainer defines echo chamber leadership, and identifies six key issues that will help avoid going too far down that dangerous road.

Depressed and Thankful: 6 Ways to Find Joy

A melancholy side to my personality makes me prone to see the glass as half empty. I realize that for many individuals, medication is truly necessary. But the weapon that has made the most difference in my life in fighting depression…

Don’t “Share Your Faith”

I’ve always loved John MacArthur’s scalpel-like precision when it comes to penetrating our subjective, post-whatever use of language. MacArthur’s clarification here is more than just an important shift in perspective, but also remarkably liberating for the believer.

It’s Own Proof

I think I would have preferred someone read this to me, so that my eyes could have been spared. But it’s excellent Calvin, nevertheless.

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